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Try the Example

You can explore the capabilities of the Stadata Flutter SDK by checking out the example app provided in the SDK's GitHub repository.

To run the example app and see the SDK in action, follow these steps:

  1. Create an .env file in the example directory or copy it from .env.example:

    cp .env.example .env
  2. Copy your API_KEY to the .env file:

    API_KEY=  # Put your API Key here
  3. Generate env.g.dart by running the following command in the example directory:

    dart run build_runner build -d

    If the build is successful, it will generate the necessary code.

  4. Run the example app:

    flutter run

Now, you're ready to explore the capabilities of the Stadata Flutter SDK in your Flutter application using the example provided. This example will help you understand how to integrate and use the SDK effectively in your own projects.