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Version: 0.6.3


The list property returns a ListResult class, which includes two main properties:

  1. Data Property:

    • The data property contains a list of data based on the specified type. For instance, if you are fetching publications, the data will be of type List<Publication>.
  2. Pagination Property:

    • The pagination property is an instance of the Pagination entity, which provides information related to pagination. It includes the following properties:
      • page: The current page.
      • pages: The total number of pages.
      • count: The count of data entries on the current page.
      • perPage: The number of entries per page.
      • total: The total number of data entries.
  3. Data Availability Property:

    • The dataAvailability property is an enum from DataAvailability enum, which provides information related to data availability. It includes the following values:
      • DataAvailability.available: Indicating data is available.
      • DataAvailability.listUnavailable: Indicating the requested list not available.
      • DataAvailability.unavailable: Indicating the requested data not available.

To retrieve a list of models, follow these steps:

  1. Create an instance of StadataFlutter.

  2. Access the list getter from the instance, granting you access to various models from domains, publications, press releases, and more.

  3. Use the list method with the desired parameters. For example:

    var result = await StadataFlutter.instance.list.publications(domain: '7200');

This call will provide you with a ListResult containing data of type List<Publication> and pagination information for further navigation.