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Version: 0.6.3


In addition to the list property, StadataFlutter also provides the view property, which allows you to retrieve detailed information about a specific model. For instance, if you want to view the details of a publication, follow these steps:

  1. Create an Instance of StadataFlutter:

    • Begin by creating an instance of StadataFlutter.
  2. Access the view Getter:

    • Access the view getter from the instance, granting you access to different models from domains, publications, press releases, and more.
  3. Use the view Method with Required Parameters:

    • Utilize the view method, specifying the required parameters. For example:
    var result = await StadataFlutter.instance.view.publication(
    id: 'a78f4d4f1c3548600cffcd29',
    domain: '7200'

By following these steps, you can seamlessly retrieve detailed information about specific models using the BPS Web API. Whether you need to access lists or in-depth details, StadataFlutter provides the tools to help you accomplish your goals efficiently.